Does Cyber Insurance Make Sense?

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2021 saw an alarming uptick in cyber security breaches for small businesses; from $3.86 to $4.2 million. Yet, only 20% of small companies surveyed have cyber insurance. And the real kick? An average breach for a company of under 500 employees can cost up to $3 million per data breach, according to the IBM and Ponemon Institute’s 2021 study. 

Why are companies STILL reluctant to get Cyber Insurance?

The challenges of COVID, shipping charges going through the roof and other issues adversely affecting business in 2021 have overshadowed the need for a review of cyber-security. 

What caused the uptick?

Remote workers with lax security measures, weak passwords and employees opening phishing emails caused 95% of the failures. While you might not be ready to make the jump to cyber-security insurance, there are some safeguards you can take to keep your company safe.


Securing passwords, awareness of social engineering and how to spot inbox spam are a great start to securing your company.


Store your sensitive documents off-site at a NAID-certified facility such as SecurShred is a wise step in having documents with easy access, yet stored securely.


Document Imaging and Electronic Storage is a multi-step process.  SecurShred uses the Digitech Systems suite of conversion software to capture and assure clarity, readability, and retrievability of your records.

Ready to Get Started?

Call SecurShred at 877-863-3003 to schedule a time to review some solutions that would be the perfect fit for your company. Visit our website to learn more