SecurShred issues, upon completion of each service, a Certificate of Destruction for your records.
Paper & other destruction Services:
SecurShred issues a signed and dated certificate of destruction at the end each paper shredding or other destruction service.
Hard Drive Destruction Services:
A separate serial number destruction report will include a complete list of scanned hard drive and solid state drive serial numbers.
Our data destruction certificates are offered for off-site and on-site paper shredding, hard drive and solid state drive destruction and recycling, electronic media destruction, non-paper media destruction, and all our other destruction services.
Our Certificate of Destruction states what was destroyed; when we destroyed it; and a compliance paragraph. The compliance paragraph clearly states:
This signed (Customer) and initialed (SecurShred) document acknowledges the receipt of the above listed material(s) for destruction by the mutually agreed upon means, terms and conditions between the customer and SecurShred. All accepted material(s) are considered confidential and will be in the care and custody of SecurShred at all times. Material(s) received from the customer shall be considered for the purpose of reference to consist of records and information generated by the customer. SecurShred can in no way know of its contents nor can it certify the origin of the material, the dates of the information provided or its actual contents without customer documentation.
SecurShred follows all the rules and regulations governing data destruction, including but not limited to:
• Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SoX)
• HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
• FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act)
• Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
• Red Flag Rules
• Various State Laws