In our commitment to excellence, SecurShred has been awarded the AAA certification for Mobile and Plant-Based operation by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID). We are the first AAA…
Does it Pay to Outsource Scanning Records?
Do the benefits of hiring an intern to scan documents in-house outweigh outsourcing to a NAID certified facility? The answer may surprise you. If you’ve weighed the pros and cons…
Say Goodbye to Paper Shredding?
Is paper shredding on it’s way out? While paper usage is lower, it’s still important to protect both your paper and data records securely. Paper Recycling Success Paper recycling has…
Here are six reasons why you should consider using SecurShred
If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to shred documents by hand. But is it really necessary? There are plenty of…
Chittenden County: Top Waste-Busters in U.S.
CSWD Executive Director, Sarah Reeves unveiled a report showing Chittenden County ranked in the Top 10 of Waste Busters in the U.S. for 2020. In addition to avoiding noise, traffic…
Records Management Tips for 2022
As a AAA NAID-certified facility, SecurShred is known for the full life-cycle processing of your sensitive documents: Organizing & Using Protecting & Managing Retaining & Disposing Why Choose SecurShred? We take compliance very…